cartoon mummy

Family Night Open House

1st - 4th Grade

Unraveling the Mysteries of Literacy and Math

Davis County Elementary School

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Please join our Open House where you and your child(ren) will play FUN math and reading games in their classrooms! You will learn what skills and strategies your child is working on and be provided with ideas/materials to work with you child at home.  

After the activities in the classroom there will be time for students to enjoy a treat and prepare for a costume march. A short meeting for parents in the gym will be held during this time to share more about our Title I Schoolwide Plan and other important information on how to support learning at home!

Merry, not scary (no weapons or fake blood) costumes are welcomed!  

Please call the elementary office if you have any questions!