SIEC Iowa Youth Tour to Washington, DC

Iowa Youth Tour!       

Each year, Iowa’s local electric cooperatives offer the Iowa Rural Electric Youth Tour to Washington, D.C.  The 2023 Youth Tour trip is set for June 17-23, 2023. Highlights of the trip include touring historic sites, exploring the Smithsonian museums, meeting Iowa’s congressional leaders, spending a day on Capitol Hill and cruising down the Potomac River. Participants also will make new friends from across Iowa and the nation, as they join hundreds of other Youth Tour participants from other states. SIEC will be taking applications for the 2023 Washington D.C. trip from January 1st - February 28th 2023.  Any sophomore, junior or senior high school student in Southern Iowa Electric Cooperative's service territory is eligible to apply--PARENTS NEED NOT BE A MEMBER!  SIEC's service territory includes: Davis County and portions of Appanoose, Van Buren, and Wapello counties. Just fill out the application form  in the link below. Interviews will be held in March at 22458 Hwy 2, Bloomfield. One lucky student will be chosen to represent Southern Iowa Electric Cooperative!  
The entry deadline is February 28, 2023.

Click here for link to application.